
Ben Miller is the chief strategy officer for Well Being Trust, a national foundation advancing the mental, social, and spiritual health of the nation. Ben joins Grant to discuss the importance of a holistic approach to health and the challenges facing those with mental health issues as they navigate the tangled health delivery system. Together, they explore ever-rising health care costs, an emerging definition of spiritual health, and the ongoing effects of the pandemic on mental health.

  • Expanding the definition of health

  • Who wouldn’t want to flourish?

  • JFK de-institutionalized mental health: the origin story for fragmentation

  • More money for a failing system is not the answer

  • Structural impediments to care

  • Mental health is foundational

  • Impact philanthropy: making a difference; advancing mental health

  • The business side of health care: co-opting of health by the “wealth-care” system

  • “If it’s not working, stop doing it.”

  • Ongoing healthcare crisis: market prices keep rising

  • Providers fear reform

  • Spiritual health for the Nones

  • “Remix religions”: new spiritual expressions by young Americans

  • COVID-19 and deaths of despair

  • Isolation vs loneliness

  • Teachers are on the frontline of the pandemic, and we’re to blame

  • Suicide prevention is everyone’s responsibility

  • Social media and the fundamental need to connect


Well Being Trust

The Carter Center

René Descartes

The Last Bill JFK Signed

Foundations’ Role in Creating and Advancing Policies that Prevent Disease and Promote Mental Health and Well-Being

Philanthropic Funding Makes Waves in Basic Science

California’s health care paradox

Lown Institute

Affordable Care Act (ACA)

Biden signs executive order to reopen Affordable Care Act enrollment

Bennet, Kaine Introduce Medicare-X Choice Act to Achieve Universal Health Care

Providence St. Joseph Health


Strange Rites by Tara Isabella Burton

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and Mental Health for Children and Adolescents

It’s Time to Invest in Better Health and Well-Being for Teens

California Program Giving $500 No-Strings-Attached Stipends Pays Off, Study Finds