Zoom Reading Group: Lyric Poetry
Lyric poetry explores fundamental questions of faith, politics, morality, and humanity. Compressed language, slippery ideas, suggestive images, and linguistic gestures at the sublime and the beyond, lyric poetry provides a unique experience with truth — with the way things are — and a distinctive encounter with mystery: both the intimate mysteries of the human heart and the cataclysmic mysteries of the cosmos.
In this reading group, Dr. DeMasi will lead discussions about some of the greatest lyric poetry in the Western Tradition, with special guests and visiting lecturers on lyric from other traditions. Join us as we embark on a journey into the liminal spaces of lyric poetry.
Dates: Wednesday, January 29th - and every two weeks thereafter
January 29th - Dr. Seth Strickland (CMU) on The Dream of the Rood
February 12th - Dr. James DeMasi on the Metaphysical Poets, focusing on John Donne’s Batter My Heart and A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning.
For additional readings we recommend John Donne’s The Flea and Death Be Not Proud; George Herbert’s The Collar, The Pulley, Love I, Love II, and Love III; and Andrew Marvel’s A Dialogue Between the Soul and the Body and To His Coy Mistress.
February 26th - Dr. James DeMasi and Dr. Seth Strickland on Dejection: An Ode, Ode on Melancholy, A Poison Tree.
March 12th - Dr. Zachary Meckley on Hopkins’ The Windhover, Sea and Skylark, Inversnaid, That Nature is a Heraclitean Fire, and Spring; Shelley’s To a Skylark; Clare’s A Spring Morning; and Wordsworth’s Lines Written in Early Spring
March 26th - Dr. Eric Potter (Grove City College) on The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock (T. S. Eliot); Sunday Morning and The Snow Man (Wallace Stevens); Spring and All (William Carlos Williams); In a Station of the Metro (Ezra Pound); The Oven Bird and Design (Robert Frost).
April 9th
April 23rd
Time: 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. EST
Location: Zoom