Rev. Paul Abernathy is an Orthodox priest who works with trauma-affected communities in Pittsburgh, PA. Right now, Rev. Abernathy is mitigating the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on his community by organizing “community health deputies,” battling food insecurity, and making medical care available to people in isolation through telemedicine. Rev. Abernathy serves as chief executive of Neighborhood Resilience Project, an organization that focuses on trauma-informed community building.
We cover what inspired the founding of his organization, how trauma affects neighborhoods, and how his faith impacts the way he sees his work and community.
Community trauma: trauma becomes foundational for a neighborhood’s worldview
Trauma-informed community development
Telemedicine and caring for people in isolation
Community health deputies: building resilience among community members
Battling food insecurity
An epidemiological approach to gun violence
Trauma-affected communities and overwhelmed institutions
Physical isolation vs. social isolation
Good neighbor fund: communities addressing tragedy together
Community as a reflection of the Gospel: be one as Christ and the Father are one
Letting the good news inform your work
Supporting Neighborhood Resilience Project