Increasingly, technology is dominating our lives. How do we stay human in the midst of digital upheaval? What lessons can we glean from dystopian literature? Is there a heuristic we can adopt that helps us to discern which technology to use and which to reject? Can only a deistic story compete with the Machine story or are there secular alternatives? Peco and Ruth Gaskovski have been exploring these timely questions from a hopeful, practical perspective on their Substacks Pilgrims in the Machine and School of the Unconformed.

Join Grant, Peco, and Ruth as they explore these and more questions to encourage us to live unconformed lives in a digital age.

00:00 - Preview of the discussion to come

02:10 - When we talk about the Machine we are not only addressing the dark side of technology, but also the underlying ideological component that we need technology.

05:03 - A central feature of dystopian literature is artificial baby production. Technology ruptures the spiritual dimension of producing life. 

09:28 - Machine architects are a part of financial elites wielding power, while lacking insight into the responsibility they hold.

11.27  - Humans have an innate desire for freedom and autonomy and want to reject deliberate manipulation of attention. Recognizing the disconnect between enslaving algorithms and inner conscience can lead to an awakening.

15:05 - Peco and Ruth co-write the majority of their pieces and focus on how to live well in family, ordinary work life, and community.

17:43 - In what ways does technology make us less human? 

21:22 - We need another story that is more compelling than the story of the Machine.

28:05 - Rather than using specific technology use rules, our heuristic must really ask “how do we live well?” and “does it separate us from each other?”

34:41 - People often have inner inklings of desiring change. The articles and community of School of the Unconformed and Pilgrims in the Machine help to help readers feel less isolated and reminds them that they are not alone in seeking to demote technology in their lives.

44:45 - How do you respond to people who call you Luddites or alarmists?

49:09 - Nostalgia is only useful to the extent that it points us toward something true, good, or beautiful.