Beatrice Institute’s Spring Salon asks the question: What constitutes human thriving, and how would these general prescriptions apply to those without the security of basic needs?
When many of us consider the homeless community here in Pittsburgh, very often we are led to think of a monolithic problem. Although we might recognize upon reflection that many of those who live on the streets are there for different, nuanced, complex, individuated reasons, our approach to the question can become uniform and directed at survival: shelter, food, clothing, warmth, medicine, etc. Very seldom are we encouraged to think about the needs of those living on the streets as needs of thriving not simply surviving.
Three panelists will investigate these questions and discuss what thriving on the streets looks like and how it is possible:
Dr. Brent Robbins, a professor of psychology and director of the Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology at Point Park University.
Rev. Jerrel T. Gilliam, the Executive Director of Light of Life Mission in the North Side.
Ms. Sara Castellano, the Director of Social Services at St. Michael the Archangel Parish in Mt. Lebanon.
We will meet in the John Knox Room at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, which is in building 7 on this map.
Tickets are $15. Food and wine provided.
If you are interested in the inspiration for this salon, read presenter Brent Robbins' piece in the Post Gazette from 2022.