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Rusty Reno is author of several books and editor of First Things, an ecumenical journal of religion and public life. His conversation with Ryan covers his conversion from Anglicanism to Catholicism, the scholars and books that have most influenced him, and why he thinks fear is an enemy to solidarity.

Rusty Reno is author of several books and editor of First Things, an ecumenical journal of religion and public life. His conversation with Ryan covers his conversion from Anglicanism to Catholicism, the scholars and books that have most influenced him, and why he thinks fear is an enemy to solidarity. They also discuss Rusty’s legendary climbing fall, his climbing escapades in Yosemite in the early 80s, and how he went from being a “climbing bum” to a Yale PhD student.

  • Biblical studies and modern theology

  • Why rock climbing is good for scholars

  • Vulnerability as a threat to freedom

  • Captivity to the resume

  • The danger of fear

  • Anti-globalization based on love of homeland

  • Fear as an enemy to solidarity and love


In the Ruins of the Church by Rusty Reno
Ephraim Radner
“Theology in the Ruins of the Church” by Rusty Reno
Sanctified Vision: An introduction to Early Christian Interpretation of the Bible by John O’Keefe
Readings in St. John’s Gospel by William Temple
Austin Farrer
The Open Society and Its Enemies by Karl Popper
The Ordinary Transformed by Rusty Reno
Surnaturel by Henri de Lubac
Return of the Strong Gods: Nationalism, Populism and the Future of the West by Rusty Reno
The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann