Join us at Beatrice Institute for an evening with artist, Ann Schmalstieg Barrett, as she guides us through her work An Illuminated Requiem: Meditations on Love and Mortality. Inspired by the tradition of illuminated manuscripts, the Proper Chants of the Requiem Mass are presented with images that reveal the content of each prayer. Through the work, the viewer is invited to consider the origin of death in scripture, God’s response through Christ, the relationship between justice and mercy, and the significance of prayer for the departed.
Created in honor of the artist’ late husband (KIA Afghanistan 2010), the exhibit also includes still life paintings to express the experience of the heart in sorrow. With sensitivity to those currently grieving, the exhibit seeks to help reconcile our understanding of God, Who is Love, with the heartbreak caused by death.
Distance. Ann Schmalstieg Barrett. 9"x12" oil on linen panel. 2018